Study Case Champagne Mumm campaign on youtube.


It calls my attention the video I recently found on linkedin. There appears Olympic star Usain Bolt 31 years old, dancing the music of Tkay Maidza 21 years old songwriter. Usain walks at night in the middle of the street with little houses of a simple architecture, then he gets into a dance club where he is welcomed with a bottle of Champagne Mumm Grand Cordon. The dance is typical from Jamaica and he wears black gloves until he sees a woman in glitter salsa dress. They dance at that moment salsa, that is nothing to do with the rhythm of the music. When he is kissed by that woman, Usain glides over a red carpet to meet a group of six dancers, they are also far from the rhythm and moves as a Michael Jackson smooth criminal. Usain throws in the air his jacket which makes in the air the famous `to di world` symbol. Finally, Usain walks down a stairway to jump into his red Nike tennis shoes. The title of the song is tennis, by the way. The opening of the Champagne bottle is the initiation of the competition where he runs with four other black athletes. He says at the end: Do not win to celebrate, celebrate to win.

When you follow the link attached to this video, it sends you to Mumm website. There you find pictures of Usain Bolt with some questions such as How long does it takes Usain Bolt to run the 25 km of Mumm cellar? Afterwards, it invites you to subscribe for the newsletter, share a Gif animation on social media and follow Mumm social media. The end of the video remarks the name of Pernord Ricard USA as importer.

This is a mass advertisement for the USA market with an expensive budget. It has humour, actuality and positive message associating the brand Mumm with celebration. It has restriction for viewers under 18 years old, however this was for me very simple to embed into my website and play it without any interruption. The target market is also the public of the song writer in Australia and they are also under age. The young image of the music and Usain Bolt makes me think that it has something to do with their age group whom probably do not know about Mumm brand. To collect the effect of this campaign is easy, they can see the increasing newsletters subscriptions, the visits to his website, the times the video is recorded, the sharing and the new likes on social media. Moreover, it targets also black communities, dancers and athletes around the globe.

Usain Bolt can not dance, he has issues with flexibility and has no technique. On the video we can see how he is doing an aerial without any sense of aesthetics. It is a wonder that he could learn this choreography that in my opinion cost him many hours. He has enough energy and that is not doubt working in favour the objectives for this campaign that has nothing to do with arts. For instance, the combination dance and music style is mixed incorrectly, this shows that the creators underestimated this emotional effect. The timing selected to release this material is beginning of November, the time to buy presents for Christmas. For now, Usain Bolt is the clown of Mumm which makes the video humoristic and probably a great success.
