Vom 15. bis 17 Mai 2022 präsentieren sich 5.500 Aussteller aus über 60 Nationen. Während die ProWein das Fachpublikum adressiert, adressiert „ProWein goes city“ alle Weinliebhaber in und um Düsseldorf. Ausgesuchte Partner aus Gastronomie, Hotellerie und Weinfachhandel gestalteten erlebnisreiche Genuss-Events in Düsseldorf und Umgebung.
ProWein in Düsseldorf is the world’s leading trade fair for wine and spirits, and is the largest industry platform for professionals from viticulture, production, trade and gastronomy. From 15 – 17 May about 5,500 exhibitors from over 60 Nations showcase their products. While only trade visitors are admitted to ProWein, “ProWein goes city” addresses all wine lovers in and around Düsseldorf. Selected partners from the gastronomy, hotel and wine trade sectors organized wine events in Düsseldorf and in the surrounding areas.